Thursday, July 12, 2012

Italy - Bolzano - 9.5.1957

 Hotel Grifone, Bolzano. Italy - 9-5-1957

Dear Pennie,

This is how you go mountain climbing in the Alps.  Doesn't it look dangerous!  We left Venice this morning and ate our picnic lunch which the hotel supplied on thet train  It was some lunch!  A cheese roll, a ham roll, a large piece of chicken, a plain roll, a hard boiled egg, an apple, and an orange each.

Lots of love, Nan

 Hotel Grifone, Bolzano, Italy - 9-5-1957

Dear Timmy,

This is the same kind of chair lift as we rode in while we were in Switzerland.  It was great fun, even though it snowed all the time and spoilt our view a bit.  We hope to go in this one on Saturday.  There is snow on the mountains all round us, but I am sitting in beautiful warm sunshine writing to you.

Lots of love, G.A.N.

Hotel Grifone, Balzano, Italy 9-5-1957

Dear Merry,

How do you think Timmy would look in these clothes?  I suppose he'd say they were sissy.  The boys in Italy don't think so.  Hurry up and write to me again.

Lots of love, Nan

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