Thursday, August 9, 2012

Switzerland - Neuchatel - 28.3.1958.

 Hotel Touring au Lac. Neuchatel, Switzerland - 28.3.1958

Dear Pennie,

     I am going to Susy's school this afternoon to help her pack, and  then we both fly back to London tomorrow.  Susy is going to a dance at night, so the school allowed her to come to Neuchatel this morning and have her hair done.  It looks jolly good too.  Next card you get will be from Italy.

    Lots of love, Nan

Hotel Touring au Lac.  Neuchatel, Switzerland - 28.3.1958

Dear Tim,

     You look just like Cookie with your crew cut.  Susy and I have just had our hair cut and the man used a cut-throat razor instead of scissors!  But he made a fine job of it.

     Lots of love, G.A.N.

Hotel Touring au Lac.  Neuchatel, Switzerland - 28.3.1958

Dear Mer,

     I am just going to have my lunch and as I am very hungry I shall eat a lot.  Last night when I arrived here I found a beautiful blue ashtray in my room.  It was a present from the Hotel, weren't they kind.

   Lots of love, Nan.

Hotel Touring au Lac today from Google Maps.  Aunty Cranky stayed here every time she came to Neuchatel to visit Sue at her school, no wonder the Hotel gave her an ashtray, she was a heavy smoker.

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