Saturday, August 31, 2013

U.S.A. - San Mateo, California - 21.8.1962

 Lombard Street, San Francisco, between Leavenworth and Hyde, popularly known as 'The Crookedest Street in the World.'

c/o P. G. McFarland, 1215 Oak Street, San Mateo, California - 21.8.1962

 Dear Pen,

     This is the motorist's nightmare, I have no doubt.  Ask your female parent to send you kid's measurements within the next few weeks so as I can send you some trifles for Christmas.

     Love Nan

 Alaska's First Airline has been serving Alaska since 1924 and now provides regular schedules to 85 communities throughout interior and Arctic Alaska.

c/o P. G. McFarland, 1215 Oak Street, San Mateo, California - 21.8.1962

Dear Tim,

     As usual I have a feeling I've sent this card before.  This is the sort of plane I travelled by from Juneau to Anchorage.

     Love Nan

A Milepost Card
Excursion boat MV 'Discovery' of Fairbanks, Alaska, is a 'Paddlewheeler' which tours the Tanana River in the summer.

c/o P. G. McFarland, 1215 Oak Street, San Mateo, California - 21.8.1962

Dear Mer,

     I spent a whole morning on this steamer, great fun.  The Captain built it in his back yard.  His son, who is about your age and is named Johnnie, can steer it without any help.

     Love, Nan

Wien Polar Tours offer High Adventure on Top of the World.  The true land of the Midnight Sun.  A fascinating, unspoiled, incredibly different vacation discovery.

c/o P. G. McFarland, 1215 Oak Street, San Mateo, California - 21.8.1962

Dear Fish (Nick),

     The dogs that pulled the sled I rode in didn't look as clean and snowy white as these do, perhaps these has an extra go in the washing machine just  because they were having their picture taken.

     Love Nan

Friday, August 30, 2013

U.S.A. - Portland, Oregon - 14.8.1962

A Northwest Sawmill and Log Pond.
Photo by L.L. Perkins.

Portland, Oregon - 14.8.1962

Dear Pen,

     That thing like a windmill without any sails is where the sawdust is burnt (I think!)  Have been twirling the postcard stand round and round trying to be sure I haven't picked a card I've sent before,

     Love Nan

PC- 1 -- Disaster at sea many years ago is represented by the rusting hull of the ill-fated Peter Iredale.  At low tide it is possible to inspect this remaining bow.

Portland, Oregon - 14.8.1962

Dear Tim,

     Thank you for your letter, it was so nice to hear from you all when I got to Fairbanks.  I had more letters than anyone else in our party.  At present a combined one, should be arriving for you 4 kids some time.  Think you were very clever at your exams.

The 'Centennial Queen', river excursion boat which plies the Wiliamette from Portland  and it's mouth adn up the Columbia passing through the Burnside Bridge in mid-Portland.
Color Photo by Georg Nilsen

Greyhound Bus Depot, Portland, Oregon - 14.8.1962

Dear Mer,

     Once again in this city have I forgotten that Standard Time is used everywhere but by Greyhound, so I've got here an hour too early.  Your mother can explain what I mean (I hope).  Next card from San Francisco, then no more until October some time.

     Love Nan

1.     World's Longest Floating Bridge.
2.     Seattle, Docks and Mount Rainer.
3.     University of Washington.
4.     Metropolitan Seattle.
5.     Government Locks - Second largest in the World.

Portland, Oregon - 14.8.1962

Dear Fish (Nick),                         Tell the other kids I'll send them cards from 
                                       here if I have time tomorrow, 
                                   but this is a special one for your, N.

     I tried to get you a more interesting long card but will have to see if I can find one as I travel back to San Francisco.  Please tell everybody my address will now be C/o Mrs P. McFarland, 1215 Oak Street, San Mateo, California.  I'm going to be all night on the bus tomorrow and won't that be fun?  Ha!  Ha!

     Lots of love, Nan

U.S.A. - Barrow, Alaska - 9.8.1962

Top of the World Hotel.   Barrow, Alaska - 9.8.1962

Dear Pen,

     Went for a ride on a dog sled this afternoon, not on snow, unfortunately, 'cos there ain't none!  We are practically in the Arctic Sea.  The hotel is on the beach, if beach one can truthfully call it.

     Love Nan.

 Top of the World Hotel.   Barrow, Alaska - 9.8.1962

Dear Tim,

     Landed on steel strips, joined together, today, really a wonderfully smooth landing.  The plane was a Fairchild F-27A prop jet, I would have thought much too big to land where it did.  Back to Fairbanks tomorrow and to Seattle next day, the end of the tour unfortunately.

      Love Nan.
 Top of the World Hotel.   Barrow, Alaska - 9.8.1962

Dear Mer,

     Sorry the cards are not exciting, there is not much choice here.  We ate reindeer stew for lunch today, am wondering what we'll have for dinner.  Not Walrus or Polar Bear I hope!

     Love Nan

Top of the World Hotel.   Barrow, Alaska - 9.8.1962

Dear Fish (Nick),

     I've been getting around all the afternoon in a parka like the man in the picture is wearing.  All the little boys and girls here wear them too, they really are very comfortable and warm.

     Love Nan

Thursday, August 29, 2013

U.S.A. - Fairbanks, Alaska - 7.8.1962

 Painting at - Santa Clause House.
511 Santa Clause Lane
North Pole, Alaska

Fairbanks, Alaska - 7.8.1962

Dear Pen,

     Sorry to send you the same card as Nick's but there are only three of these from North Pole, which is a small village a few miles from here.

     Love Nan

 Painting at - Santa Clause House.
511 Santa Clause Lane
North Pole, Alaska

 Fairbanks, Alaska - 7.8.1962

To. Timothy Rodd.

With Love, Nan

 Painting at - Santa Clause House.
511 Santa Clause Lane
North Pole, Alaska

 Fairbanks, Alaska - 7.8.1962

To.  Meredith Rodd.

With love Nan.

 Painting at - Santa Clause House.
511 Santa Clause Lane
North Pole, Alaska

Fairbanks, Alaska - 7.8.1962

To. Nicholas Rodd

With love Nan

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

U.S.A. - Fairbanks, Alaska - 7.8.1962

 Nordale Hotel, Fairbanks, Alaska - 7.8.1962

To.  Penelope Rodd.

With love, Nan

 Arctic Trail Snowshoes.
Closeup of the only means of traveling across the deep snows of Alaska in winter.  These shoes are made entirely of bone, sinew and animal hide by hand and weigh both together less than a pound.

 Nordale Hotel, Fairbanks, Alaska - 7.8.1962

To. Timothy Rodd.

 With love Nan.

 Reindeer team and sled on Chena at Fairbanks.
Color photo by Co-op Photo Shop, Fairbanks

 Nordale Hotel, Fairbanks, Alaska - 7.8.1962

To.  Meredith Rodd.

With love Nan

'Zero'.  Polar Bear Cub, was found near Point Barrow, Alaska. 
Fed by Drake Puget Sound employees.  At present 'Zero' is 'outside'

 Nordale Hotel, Fairbanks, Alaska - 7.8.1962

To.  Nicholas Rodd.

With love Nan.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

U.S.A. - Anchorage, Alaska - 2.8.1962

 A native and his skinboat (Umiak) in Artic Alaska.
Photo by Helga Bading, Jones Bros., Anchorage.

Anchorage-Westward Hotel, Alaska - 2.8.1962

Dear Pen,

     I am most disappointed to learn that I won't be able to ride in one of these Umiak's when I go to Pt. Barrow.  The Arctic Sea is too chappy and too full of icebergs!

     Love Nan

International Airport - Anchorage Alaska.
Stopping point on the international routes to the Orient and flights over North Pole to Europe.
Colour photo by Mac's Foto Shop.

Anchorage-Westward Hotel, Alaska - 2.8.1962

Dear Tim,

     The Pacific Northern plane on the right is the kind we flew in today.  Outside the Tourist Bureau here they have a copper nugget which weighs 5,455 lbs and a flag pole which measures 139 ft.  Haven't seen anything else much yet but go on a tour around about tomorrow.

     Love Nan

 Fishing Through the Ice on Kobuk Lake - Kotzebue, Alaska.
Photo cridit to Jonas Bros.  
Taxidermist and Furrier - Anchorage.

Anchorage-Westward Hotel, Alaska - 2.8.1962

Dear Mer,

     I think I wouldn't go fishing if I had to do it this way!  We had a wonderful trip on the Taku River yesterday and you just should have seen how I was dressed!  I had a thick cardigan and fur lined parka and a great bulgy life jacket on top.  Just too snazzy!

     Love Nan

A native Alaskan Darling dressed in fur parka, trimmed with white fox and her best friend a Semoyian Puppy.
Color by Bud D. Nelson, Fairbanks.

Anchorage-Westward Hotel, Alaska - 2.8.1962

Dear Fish (Nick)

     I think this pup must have lots of baths to keep him as white and clean looking.  There was a black puppy at the place I was staying at yesterday and he would grab hold of my cardigan sleeve and swing on it.

     Love Nan

Saturday, August 17, 2013

U.S.A., Skegway, Alaska - 29.7.1962

 Broadway, Skagway, Alaska
Some of the false fronted buildings on Skagway's main street date from 1897 and '98, when Skagway was founded, at the start of the 'Klondike' Gold Rust.  Steady employment for Skagway's citizens is provided  by White Pass and Yukon Railroad, completed in 1900, built along the route of the famous 'Trail of '98'

Sourdough Inn, Skagway. Alaska - 29.7.62

To.  Penelope Rodd,

   with love, Nan.

 Sourdough Inn, Skagway. Alaska - 29.7.62

To. Timothy Rodd,

     with love, Nan

 Sourdough Inn, Skagway. Alaska - 29.7.62

To. Meredith Rodd,

   with love, Nan

Alaska Husky Dog Team
Symbolizes transportation used in Alaska
Color photo by Mac's Foto, Anchorage.

Sourdough Inn, Skagway. Alaska - 29.7.62

To. Nicholas Rodd,

     with love, Nan.

U.S.A., At Sea between Vanvouver and Alaska - 28.7.1962

 S.S.Yukon Star
Cruising the famed 'Inside Passage' between Vancouver B.C. and Skagway, Alaska.

At Sea.   - Posted in Ketchikan, 28.7.1962

To.  The Rodd Kids.  (back of card is damaged, I can't read the writing)

 Juneau.  28.7.62

Dear Pen,

     This afternoon we sailed among the ice-burgs, really spectacular.  There were masses of Arctic ducks who dived out of sight and stayed out of sight until I was sure they had drowned their silly selves, however they'd come up in the most unexpected places, right away from where they started.

     love Nan.

Eskimo Twins in the Artic region of Alaska
Color photo by Co-op photo shop - Fairbanks

At Sea - 28.7.62

Dear Mer,

     I will be able to post this at Juneau this evening when we go ashore for a few hours.  This morning we have been watching whales spouting quite close to the ship.  We walked on Alaskan ground for the first time last night at a town called Ketchikan.  This afternoon we will be in amongst the icebergs which should be most exciting.

     with love, Nan.

U.S.A. Seattle, Washington - 24.7.1962

 Seattle World Fair
Space Needle in Spring
Colour photo by Mike Roberts

Benjamin Franklin Hotel, Seattle, Washington.  - 25.7.1962

To. Penelope Rodd,

    With love, Nan

 Seattle World Fair
Peace reigns at U.S. Science Pavilion
Color photo by Max R. Jensen

Benjamin Franklin Hotel, Seattle, Washington.  - 25.7.1962

To.  Timothy Rodd,

     with love, Nan

Seattle World Fair
Hawaiian Pavilion
Color photo by Mike Roberts

Benjamin Franklin Hotel, Seattle, Washington.  - 25.7.1962

To.  Meredith Rodd,

     with love, Nan.

Seattle World's Fair
International Fountain

Benjamin Franklin Hotel, Seattle, Washington.  - 25.7.1962

To.  Nicholas Rodd,

     with love, Nan

U.S.A. Portland, Oregon - 23.7.1962

Mt. Hood, Oregon
The red golden tree in the foreground is the balsam Poplar or 'Balm of Gilead' This view from the North shows Elliott Glacier, largest on the mountain, in the foreground below the peak.

Hotel Park-Haviland, Portland. Oregon.  - 23.7.1962

To. Penelope Rodd,

     with love, Nan.

Hotel Park-Haviland, Portland. Oregon.  - 23.7.1962

To. Timothy Rodd,

   with love, Nan.

 Timberline Lodge, Oregon

Mountains of snow and shimmering icicles provide a fantasy land effecy at Timberline on Mt. Hood.
Colour photo by Ben Gifford

Hotel Park-Haviland, Portland. Oregon.  - 23.7.1962

To.  Meredith Rodd,

     with love, Nan

Popular Poodle

Hotel Park-Haviland, Portland. Oregon.  - 23.7.1962

To. Nicholas Rodd,

     with love, Nan

U.S.A. Eureka, California - 22.7.1962

Chandelier Drive Thru Tree.  California
In Underwood Park on U.S. 101, the Redwood Highway, this massive drive-thru tree is 315 feet high with a diameter of 21 feet at the base.

Eureka Inn, Eureka. California - 22.7.62

Dear Pen,

     Went through miles and miles of redwood forest today, absolutely magnificent.  Stop overnight at Portland, Oregon, tomorrow night, an 11 hour bus trip, the silly bus leaves here at quarter to 7am and I'm not amused.

     Love Nan.

The heavily forested regions of the West make lumbering one of it's important industries.

Eureka Inn, Eureka. California - 22.7.62

Dear Tim,

     These are rather nice little sticks, aren't they?  Tell all your family and the Cobcrofts (and of course yourself) that I will be at the Nordale Hotel, Fairbanks, Alaska from 7th August until 10th, and they had better jolly well have letters there for me, marked 'to await arrival'.

     Love Nan.  

Redwood Rest Room
This unique Redwood Rest Room is located at Grundy's Redwood Terrace, on the Redwood Highway, 22 miles south of Garberville, California.

Eureka Inn, Eureka. California - 22.7.62

Dear Merry,

     This is a cutie, isn't it?   There was a buffet meal here tonight and I counted 50 different things to eat and there were even more than that.  I didn't eat some of all 50, but I did eat too much.

     Love Nan.

Along California's Rugged Coast, Redwood Highway, California
With it's driftwood textured by the sea, California's rugged coast line, big and breathlessly beautiful, invites you to play, picnic and horseback ride along it's shore.

Dear Fish (Nick)

     I think the two kids on the beach look like you and Pennie.  I bet you've never seen horses paddling, have you?

     Love Nan.

U.S.A. San Diego - 21.7.1962

 Animal Color Series
From the San Diego Zoo
With San Diego Zoo Tour Bus in background.

San Diego, California - 21.7.62

Dear Pen,

     I fly to San Francisco tomorrow, start for Seattle on Sunday morning, will be on the ship to Alaska Monday.

     Love Nan.

Animal Color Series
From San Diego Zoo
Indian Elephant

1116 Reed Ave, San Doiego, California.

To. Nicholas Rodd,

with love, Nan

U.S.A. Virginia - 23.6.1962

A sidewalk scene in Williamsburg, Virginia, a reminder of Colonial Days.

Gwynns Island, Virginia - 23.6.62

Dear Merry,

     I'm leaving for San Francisco on the 7th July, so the cards will start coming again.  I've got quite a good sun tan, the weather has been very hot, I bet you are just about freezing at home.

    Love Nan.

U.S.A. San Diego, California - 20.6.62

 Animal Color Series
From the San Diego Zoo
With San Diego Zoo Tour Bus in background.

San Diego, California - 21.7.62

Dear Pen,

     I fly to San Francisco tomorrow, start for Seattle on Sunday morning, will be on the ship to Alaska Monday.

     Love Nan.

El Cortez Hotel
San Diego, California
Located high on a hill overlooking San Diego Bay.  The famous glass elevator gives a view unequaled elsewhere in the city.  R.W. Chase photographer

San Diego, California.  20.6.62

Dear Tim,

     Went up in this Elevator last time I was in America, it's fantabulous.

     Love Nan.

The El Cortez Hotel
San Diego, California
A marvelous view of the ciry is to be seen from the famous glass elevator.  The travalator  connects the hotel with the Travalator Motor Hotel, across the street.

San Diego, California 20.6.62

Dear Mer,

     Susy and I have walked on this moving footpath at best you just stand and it walks.

     Love Nan

Animal Color Series
From San Diego Zoo
Indian Elephant

1116 Reed Ave, San Diego, California.

To. Nicholas Rodd,

with love, Nan