Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Italy - Interlaken - 12.7.1957

 Interlaken, Italy - 12.7.1957

Dear Penny,

     I wish you could have seen Susy and me riding in this sledge today.  A woman ran behind us, holding onto the handles you can see, to steer it.  Half way along the track, the dogs all sad down and refused to go any further.  Susy says it was because they thought I was too heavy!  However, the man told them how brave and wonderful they were (in French) and they got up and finished the trip.  It was great fun.

     Lots of love, Nan
Interlaken, Italy - 12-7-1957

Dear Merry,

     We stopped at the station today where thee marmosets live.  Aren't they pets?  Yesterday night we went to a play and saw lots of real live cows, goats and horses on the stage.  It wasn't a usual stage, but a part of a forest.  The cows and goats wore big bells on their necks and they sounded very good.

     Lots of love, Nan

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