Sunday, July 22, 2012

Switzerland - Interlaken - 8.7.1957

 Hotel Du Lac, Interlaken. Switzerland - 8.7.1957

Dear Pennie,

     Everything in the picture, except the Swiss flag, is ice!  We hope to be there tomorrow.  On Wednesday, we are going by train for the day to Stresa, which is in Italy.  The train is called 'The Blue Arrow'. I think I sent you all cards when I was in Stresa last time.

     Lots of love, Nan

Hotel Du Lac, Interlaken, Switzerland - 8.7.1957

Dear Timmy,

     We will be riding in this train tomorrow and will be 11,333 feet up in the air!  I collected Susy from school on Saturday and for the first hour she kept explaining things to me in French!  I thought she had forgotten how to speak English.

     Lots of love, G.A.N.

Hotel Du Lac, Interlaken, Switzerland - 8.7.1957

Dear Merry,

     Isn't this a fine house?  I have seen a lot like this in Switzerland.  There is a big thunder storm at the moment.  We could jump into the river from our bedroom window if we wanted to, but I don't think we will.  It would frighten all the white swans.

     Lots of love, Nan

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